Final Photo of a Cave Goblin

Last updated on January 5th, 2025 at 04:13 am

Remember this photo? First appeared in the mid-90’s. He was an unknown cryptid .Labeled as a cave goblin,evil djinn, chupacabra, even a Reptilian or UFO alien.He was pure evil. With an expression of hate and fury, he seemed to be a vicious killer.

“This is a true story in Ras el Khaimah, United Arab Emirates. This picture has been released as a police report evidence in the UAE. The story is that a young man went in the caves in Ras el Khaimah to take pictures in caves known to be deserted, with a friend. He had been warned not to go. The person who had been with him called the police saying he had seen his friend’s flash go off and then his friend screamed. He called his friend but never got an answer and got scared that he’d fallen so went to the police. A few hours later they found the man in the cave dead and the single picture found in his camera is this one.”

This creature was not photographed in the United Arab Emirates. He is in Great Britain. He has been outed ,in 2009.

The debunker is Ali Murat Guven—A Turkish journalist and paranormal researcher. He has debunked other known hoaxes.

The Cheddar Gorge and Caves. The town of Cheddar. The originator of cheddar cheese. That fact alone is a reason to go there and visit their shops and cafes.

The Gorge is owned by National Trust and the Longleaf Estates. A most fascinating place. Fossil finds were discovered including prehistoric human skeletons . The Gorge is a sanctuary for wild birds, bats,and plant life so rare that some of the plant life exists only in the Gorge.

The Cheddar caves are beautiful, formed during the Ice Age. Two caves are open for the public, Gough’s Cave and Cox’s Cave. One features Crystal Quest, a fantasy experience open since 1991. The goblins and others were created by Ricard Pavey. They have recently been repainted green.

Ending this on a debunking tip. When there is a last photo, or this was found in a cell phone, camera whatever , you already know it will be a total fake. Something killed the person taking the photo, who had the amazing calmness to frame and focus this “final photo”. And the attacker was nice enough to pose. If some creature is coming for you ,the final photo will look like this:

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