Our Victorian Love of Fairies

Last updated on October 8th, 2024 at 05:49 am

What do you visualize as a fairy? Most people will say they are cute, playful, tiny little beings. With butterfly wings and magic. At one with nature, they live in our world but are rarely seen. Guardians of children.

People are fascinated with faeries. Brian Froud ,Arthur Rackham, Tolkien books, and movies such as Willow, Labyrinth, and Disney’s Fantasia proves our love for the fey little creatures.

Appearing over the past few years are the proof that believers are looking for. Tiny skeletons and bodies of real fairies.

That proof started as a need for Victorian Age curios.

The Victorian people gave the impression of being prudish, restrained , and bound by traditions but that is quite misleading.

They spent their leisure time doing weird shit.

Cemetery picnics. Dressing up dead family members for one last photo. They visited insane asylums and freak shows as a sort of human zoo. Seances, spirit photographs, table lifting, hypnotism, palm reading, tarot cards and crystal balls.

With planes and trains available to them, Victorian people felt the world opened to them. Now they could travel to Africa, Egypt, and India. They returned home with exotic souvenirs to show off their adventures . Others searched in curio shops and antique displays to find something unique and rare.

This is where the fairies came in. Every family of means had a Curio Cabinet in their parlor or sitting room to show off their treasures. They competed for collectibles, the more interesting, the better.

Cabinet of Michelle Samour

Found on Twitter created by Katelyn

The mummified and little skeletal fairies fit into that niche. The collectors did not care if they were real or not, they were highly sought after.

The interest in fairies faded somewhat as over the years people got involved with the quests for Bigfoot and UFO’s. But fairies are now experiencing an upsurge and mostly started with this figure known as the Derbyshire Fairy.

This figure in April 2007 took the cryptid world by storm. Then more started. But most of them can be traced to one man. Daniel Baines.

He has created most of the fairy relics. He says he does not claim them as hoax but art. He states he believes in fairies and wants to create more awareness and interest in them. These are more of his creations.

In 2017 this little relic was found by a researcher James Cornan checking a falcon’s nest in the Rocky Mountains. But Daniel Baines endorsing the tiny skeleton makes this highly suspect.

Artists are now reviving this lost Victorian art. There are so many fairy relics it is hard to find them all. Many are up for sale on Etsy.

Some bloggers gives step by step tutorials on creating your own fairy.

This sad little fairy skeleton created by artist Brian Richardson. He used a 3-D printing process for his series of Mythic Articulations.

This fellow came from the website of Beau Monde Crafting.

The year 2006 brought us an amazing discovery found in a London basement, with many bizarre curiosities. This collection once belonged to a mysterious Thomas Merrylin of the Merrylin Cryptid Museum. But this mind boggling collection, of close to five thousand artifacts, did not come from a past adventurer.

This is the art and creation of Alex CF who is very much alive.

This one also debunked. Introduced as an evil demon fairy by Jaime Mausson who is already involved in several UFO hoaxes.

These are on a Halloween decorating site.

Could not have a post without good old Worth 1000. The fossalized fairy in rock is Archaeological Anomalies 2 by “genre” and the fairy with her seahorse is Archaeological Anomalies 10 by “paraloid”

This little fossil fairy was created by an artist, Tony Rice.

This post, like all my other posts, are not meant to mock those who believe. Fairies could be spiritual energy beings or actual physical creatures. Maybe both. But please do not blindly believe from a random photograph or false story.

Trust your own wisdom and judgement.

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