The Evil Side of Garden Gnomes

Last updated on October 9th, 2024 at 05:54 pm

 This menace can be anywhere and is a serious threat, targeting people who want nothing more than to start a garden and get in touch with nature. But Nature can bite hard and with vicious intent. I am talking about the innocent helpful garden gnomes that many people have welcomed into their gardens and lives.

 But you must view them with caution especially if a pet is missing or if you have an outdoor goldfish or koi enclosure.

For they could be a disguise for another fey race, The Redcap. Actually termed goblins, they are serious trouble indeed. Do not let their small size fool you ,they are evil incarnate.

Instead of this…

You will get this.

Once they are discovered, they will drop all pretense and they are vile beyond belief.

Even at their best their behavior is just not acceptable.

They are quite vicious and a serious threat to your home and children.They seem to abhor iron and Holy symbols. 

Protect your home against them .Buy iron screens to put on all your doors so they cannot enter. Scatter iron nails, bolts ,small  items throughout your garden. Get motion detection cameras. Bring in your outdoor animals so they will not be food for these creatures.

Get Holy water. Put aside your religious beliefs ,this does work against them. Line Holy Water along every doorway. Line your windows for they can enter there as well.

Every opening to your home must be secured . This frightening photo occurred as the doggie door was not sealed with Holy Water.

If they come up to your veranda or porch to confront you ,have a crucifix or religious symbol to drive them back.

Seal those entries  as well.No matter how furious they get, they cannot cross those boundaries.

Call the Police or  Legacy Foundation immediately but  goblins  are very elusive , crafty ,and hard to capture. If you apply Holy Water, Iron ,and other protection used against the fey folk they will leave your garden. They will not do so quietly but they will leave. There  are ways of protecting your family and property so  these horrid little creatures do not return.


Well ,I am not going to insult you by saying this is faked. You already know that.

 I created this  as a prank because my friend really did get a garden gnome.  I thought to run it on my blog to show you to  be wary of what you find on the internet. Do not trust it because it was on Pinterest or you “heard about it “ from somewhere. 

Hoaxsters are doing it all the time. They steal from photoshop and art sites, or just make stuff up. And they laugh at us who want to believe.

Do your own research, check several sites, google photos on image search before you believe in a claim.

Don’t spread their lies.

Don’t play their game.


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The Redcap pictures had different artists.

The first redcap with the bloody knife is Redcap by Leo D’Amico from Artstation.

The second art is Goblin by Aaronflorento from Deviant Art.

The pervert gnome flasher is created by Caleb Zammit. Kickstarter hosts his project of strange and twisted gnomes

Buy How to Survive a Garden Gnome Attack (Random House, 2010).