Photographs of the Arctic Cryptid-The Ningen

Last updated on February 10th, 2025 at 06:25 am

My next entry is on my favorite topic—sea cryptids. This one is from Japan. There are so many aquatic cryptids from legend and myths of Japan. The Akugyo, the Bake-Kujira, Michuchi, the Umibozu.

As fascinating as they are, the creature recently in the social media is the Ningen. These are whale/ human type cryptids living in the Artic oceans about 65 to 90 feet long with white skin,  long arms and a vague face.

They have been reported by Japanese whale research ships. They were mentioned in a 2 Channel forum with a couple photos.

Then Mu publications published the Ningen in a November 2007 issue. Mu is a Japanese magazine featuring the supernatural and mysterious. Ghosts, cryptids, hauntings.

Whatever you are interested in, they have it. The article featured “Antarctic Humans”They had more information, more photos, and the popularity of the Ningen was launched.

Are the Ningen real? Perhaps they are. There is so much of the oceans we do not know about.

But I did track down two of the most popular photos and they are known fakes. This one.

Someone added arms to him like this dolphin photo

He was taken from this stock photo of a blue whale.  Balaenoptera Musculus. Largest animal to ever exist ,they reach 72 to 90 feet in length. Almost hunted to extinction until 1967 ,they are making a slow comeback.

To further prove this is a fake, this is the true size of the blue whale compared to a diving human.

This next one is the most popular and even believers feel this one is fake. Legs but no arms. No real judge of size but he does not look very huge-certainly not the immense size the Ningen is reputed to be. People who know photoshop said the lighting is way off and the legs look like a panoramic shots taken with a cell phone.  Panoramic Google shots have produced many glitches

A website said it is not even a real photo but a recreation from a supposed sighting.

So, in chasing down the elusive Ningen, study photos and come to your own decisions. But leave these two out. They are proven photoshop and not worthy of your time.

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