The Great Polar Bear Hoax

Last updated on January 12th, 2025 at 05:07 am

I started this once but decided to put it aside. But after a discussion with a YouTube member about global warming, I decided to include this hoax.

Is Global Warming a serious problem?? Yes, without a doubt. Climate change is real and frightening. Are the arctic animals affected by this to the point of life threatening? Yes, they are in critical need of protection and whatever methods possible to preserve their habitat.

Should you create a hoax to grab the attention of the entire world? No, because then you cross the line of fact and honest portrayal.

Many of us cannot travel to the Arctic places and we are dependent on the testimony of those who can. We trust their reports and photographs and we do want them to be authentic when it comes to crucial concerns of our environment.

The photo above was in an earlier post on bears. It was a joke and presented as a prank photo.

This new post showed a deliberate hoax created and presented to the entire world. The photos are real, but the content was meant to deceive and horrify viewers. They presented their findings under the esteemed and trusted National Geographic.

Enjoy these photos of cute baby bears because this post is grim and possibly upsetting. This could be a stopping point if you do not want to read further.

In August 2017 National Geographic produced a video filmed by Paul Nicklen and Christine Mittermeier of the Canadian Sea Legacy. It took place at Canada’s Baffin Island.

They came across this polar bear and filmed him. Headlined “This is the effects of global warming.” The video featured a pathetic wreck of a once powerful and regal polar bear starving, staggering, desperate for any kind of food to keep himself alive.

For three days they tracked this poor dying creature. They produced a video shown on National Geographic website, then on Instagram, and YouTube.  The video went worldwide. The “starving polar bear” caused a global outcry to help the polar bears. The bears seemed doomed, and 2.5 billion viewers called out to save the polar bears.

Until people said that his movements and walk seemed more like arthritis or some back injury, even last stage cancer rather than starvation.

Then other researchers claimed they saw polar bears in that area, and the bears were fine. No other bears at Baffin Island were starving. A recent photo shows the polar bears eating a beached dead whale.

The team confessed they saw this dying creature and used him as a future example of global warming. Was it for a good cause? Not really. Other people are documenting global warming and they are not using blatant lies based on a critically injured wild creature. Did they do anything to help this bear. No, they did not. They just left him there.

Animals get sick and/or severely injured in the wild. They do not last very long. Very few die from old age. This lion was injured. Unable to hunt and keep his place in the pride he starved and died.

That is not all. More photos came out from photojournalist Jenny Ross in Norway. Olgastretet is a chain of remote islands off Norway The photos showed a polar bear eating a cub he killed. The photos “showed” the polar bears were running out of food and turning into cannibals

The sad fact is global warming or not the bear still would have killed the cub. Male bears have no paternal feelings. None.

The phrase “fierce as a momma bear” is the female ‘s willingness to fight anything or anyone to keep her cubs safe. Including her own kind.

The polar bear killing the cub was not starving or deranged. He is a male bear and that is what they do.

Not just bears. Lions do it as well to the point that lioness try to hide their cubs when a new male takes over.

Google wild animal infanticide and you will find bears, lions, baboons, hippos, dolphins, even cute meerkats attacking young to the point that thirty percent of wild infant animal deaths are caused by an attacking male.

Male animals have an intolerance for any baby creature that is not their own offspring. The dark innate reason is females no longer caring for youngsters come back into heat and the males can breed with them.

But the males are not at fault. Morality has no place in the wild. A dominant male of whatever species is the top alpha. He has beaten his rivals. He has proven he is a worthy leader. It is his genetic right to reproduce and carry on his lineage with the females he breeds with.

It is not his duty to adopt the offspring of his enemies. Nature is not kind; Nature is survival of the fittest.

In a pack or group society with an alpha pair, both will stop other females from mating and hunt down offspring if need be. In Nature, good living conditions do not last. Brutal summers of drought, freezing winters, floods, storms, disease, attack from other animals. Resources will be limited. The pack or group will have to fight just to keep several babies alive. It would be impossible with twelve or fifteen.

This was difficult because other posts we have more fun with. But this was included because of the outright misleading of a serious topic. There are many accounts of global warming, and the photos are devastating. We should not have to tolerate the fakes.

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