The Mystery Horse In The Window

Last updated on June 18th, 2024 at 07:36 pm

Some photos keep appearing in the social media for so long they become difficult to track. They seem to be everywhere yet start from nowhere (Actually photos in this blog eventually get figured out.) Some fall not under the cryptid but the WTF category.

With common sense you just know they cannot be. Starting with this photo. A gray horse gazing out of an apartment window several stories up.

Where is it? Accounts tell of police breaking in and finding a room full of hay, straw, water, and the horse seems to have been there for some time.

It is unbelievable that a horse can live in a busy apartment unnoticed. An average riding horse will weigh 900–1,500 pounds. He would have been heard walking about. Getting him up the stairs would have been difficult.

Horses are not quiet animals. They paw the ground. They whinny, they snort. They do a sharp exhale called blowing.

No one noticed hay and straw brought in? No one noticed when he pooped?

As a former horse owner, and anyone who knows horses will tell you, Horses Will Poop Big.

But the Window Horse has been found and the horse is a fiberglass life size horse statue.

 The same kind on sidewalks, museum displays and western stores modeling horse tack.

The Window Horse is in Galena, Illinois and the citizens of Galena know of it. He has been there since 2006.

I was researching horse statues and another wacky item showed up. In northeast Poland, a man named Borys Kozlowski borrowed a friend’s horse to eat his overgrown lawn. Borys needed to leave for several hours so he put the horse on his second-floor balcony so no one would steal the horse.

But you cannot park a horse like a lawnmower, and it could be dangerous for the horse. Police and Animal Control were called in and the horse was taken to a nearby field. For some odd reason, this story caught on and people started putting horse statues on balcony. Either by photoshop or hauling one up.

One fuzzy photo became a meme and was titled “Juan.”

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