Last updated on October 9th, 2024 at 08:49 pm
This belltower has never used its bells. Yet this structure has put the city of Pisa on the map .The Leaning Tower holds its own with Rome and Venice as a go-to destination when you visit Italy.

It brings out in visitors the uncontrollable urge to kick it. To boop it, to lean against it. To push it back into place.

Some visitors rely on teamwork.

This 8-story free-standing belltower started in August 1173 and finished in 1372. Intended for the Pisa Cathedral.
But the ground did not have the foundation the tower needed and started to tilt before it was even finished. Different attempts over the years to straighten it made the problem even worse
The Tower was off limits to tourism from 1990 to 2001 as a massive restoration project was underway. It is now secured. The tower will tilt no more.
Many iconic places compel visitors to pose with them.

But the Tower of Pisa outdoes them all in people posing. The urge to play with it is irresistible to visitors

If you go to see this Tower you will see people constantly doing this, all to get their special shot

You can climb it but use some caution. You may have to buy tickets and entry times. It has 296 steps and is at a 3.9 angle. If you have claustrophobia or a fear of heights, this is not the attraction for you.
The Pisa Cathedral is also open, and a family member said they have beautiful artwork.

Did you know the USA has its own Leaning Tower?? We didn’t. This structure is in Niles, Illinois. Just outside of Chicago. It was intended to cover a water tower for some outdoor pools in their park. It was completed in June 1997.It is not as big as the original but is free to visit and you can photo and pose .
The Leaning Tower of Niles is entered in the National Register of Historical Places.

We had a second Leaning Tower. At least for a short while. Across the States in the city of Dallas. An old building was demolished during February 2020.The elevator shaft running down the building did not agree with the plan and kept it upright. But with a profoundly serious lean.

For the following week, the people of Dallas ran to this old building and fell in love. It was named the Leaning Tower of Dallas, and everyone wanted to pose with it.

A movement started to keep it as a landmark, but the building was to be destroyed for a reason and plans went ahead.
So, how do they do this? Is it CGI? Photoshopping? Nope, just clever uses of forced perspective and putting the poser in the foreground.
It might take a few tries to get it right, but everyone tries it. If any of us goes to Pisa in Italy, no doubt we will be doing it too.

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