One Secret of Stonehenge Easily Debunked

Last updated on September 22nd, 2024 at 04:53 am


So many stone monuments in the United Kingdom. None have the mystical allure of Stonehenge. What is it? English Heritage site along with Hadrian’s Wall. Calendar, Observatory, Temple for Druids, Graveyard for dead kings. No one truly knows.

Over the social media comes the shocking news (With Photos!!) that Stonehenge was built in the 1950’s for tourism. This is a dark secret we were never meant to know.

The photos are genuine. Like so many items in social media, the story is false. Stonehenge has been around for centuries. At least 5,000 years. We have figured out the date but who made them is still unknown. We know the “where”. They came from a quarry in Wales 140 miles away, but still not a “why” or precisely “how.”

Almost every point of interest or of historical value has been restored or repaired. An earlier post of Smokehoax was the Leaning Tower of Pisa. From the Lady of Liberty to the Sistine Chapel. From human vandalism or the slow erosion of time, ancient treasures and structures have been rescued and returned to their former glory.

In April 2019, we watched in shock as Notre Dame went up in flames. Restoration of that grand cathedral is almost completed. George Clooney made an excellent film “Monument Men” about returning art stolen from cathedrals and private homes during World War Two.

The most spectacular rescue happened in 1967 Egypt. The immense Aswan Dam was created. Controlling the Nile to prevent floods and irrigate land for farming was vitally needed. But for one snag. The flooding would ruin two temples in Abu Simbel with immense sculptures of Ramses the Great and his wife Nefertiti.

So, the temples and sculptures were carefully moved piece by piece. It was the most intensive restoration project ever. The Aswan Dam opened in 1971. The temples and sculptures were safe and in a new location for the world to enjoy.

Which brings us back to Stonehenge.

Stonehenge exists in Wiltshire. A region full of prehistoric mystery. The Avebury Stones. Silbury Hill. East Kennett. The chalk Uffington White Horse.

Stonehenge stands in the Salisbury Plains 2 hours southeast of London.

Circular grassy ditches encloses the monoliths.

In 1958 a large -scale project was begun to restore Stonehenge.

Stonehenge was a sad ruin by then. Eroded and eaten away by neglect. Stones were removed for other building projects. The monoliths had large parts broken off for walls and bridges. Over the years visitors would come and take pieces of stone for souvenirs. Most of the columns were no longer upright.

Earlier attempts at restoration were not very successful. But Full-scale restoration was begun. Those in charge carefully studied their huge restoration project. They were guided by imprints and marks still in the grounds.

 They had sketches and drawings from past visitors. Artists John Constable (1835) and Lucas De Heere (1573) were two artists giving us a view from the past.

Stonehenge was meant as two rings of stones, but the decision was to restore what was left rather than attempting build a new Stonehenge. Project Stonehenge was underway.

The monoliths were reset into place, secured and reinforced, and column ledges were put back on top.

Notice the people coming to watch. A project this grand could not be a secret and was never meant to be one. A statement from English Heritage concerning the secrecy around Stonehenge “There was none. This went on for several years. Tour buses, school buses, news visits to check on progress. The fact that people think there was some conspiracy is puzzling because everyone in Britain knew of this.”

Stonehenge was a success, but work done to a historic site is never completely done.

Another major project in September 2013.

The cement used in the 1950’s as part of the restoration is replaced with lime mortar. The material is more pleasing to visitors and allows moisture and rain to drain out. The lichens are now encouraged to remain because they actually help protect the stones.

The A34 highway is now closed, and an underground tunnel is approved to be constructed.

Visitors can follow the existing road to a new visitor center and parking lot. Gone are the wire fences and tacky ticket booths.  They can walk or go by tour carts to follow the pathway circling the Stones.

To prevent visitors from chipping off more souvenirs and leaving graffiti, Stonehenge has 24 hours protection with monitors and guards on duty at all times.

Is Stonehenge more Original than Restoration?

Does it make Stonehenge’s beauty and mystery any less?

The workmen of the 1950’s deserve high praise. They gave us and future viewers Stonehenge in its glory.

From a jumble of rocks.

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